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Day 6


D6. 7.00. I have two wooden-made legs instead of legs, but I'm sad that it is already the last day. I read information about Sisimiut in the Lonely Planet and study the walk of the day on the map.
The walk of the day is the most difficult of the walk, taking 300 m at the beginning.
9.30. I'm leaving the hut. As expected, at 11.00, I'm ready to begin the ascension.


P1 : Soon in the morning, tiring and first flies attacks


Actually, the ascension is sloppy, but made very easy by a very well marked trail, without willows and bogs.
I cross a couple of Danish scouts, camera with zoom to the neck.
The first bogs are met when the plateau is reached. In these bogs, I can watch another female ptarmigan, annoyed by flies, with its chicken.


Along the river, a group of Americans overtakes me. I stop for a rest between 15.00 and 16.00, before leaving the river in order to eat and to try to sleep. However, the mosquitoes and the flies prevent me to sleep. I go down the plateau and arrive in the valley, where the track is difficult to find, and doesn't follows map indications. Without bag, everything would be easy, but with the bag, one try to optimize the route.



Suddenly, I see a man running in tennis shoes, shorts and tee-shirt. Civilization is not far away. The itinerary becomes more difficult. The foot-paths and the map give different ways. Moreover, the walk is done in a little labyrinth of swamps and rivers. the running man passes in the other direction. I miss to see exactly what way he took.
At the end of the valley, I see Sisimiut and a dark fog on the sea. The sky also begins to become cloudy. Temperature is now low, as compared to the other parts of the itinerary, and particularly to Kangerlussuaq area.
I follow the river of a lake that looks like a water reserve. But some people is washing clothes in it, some other are taking bath, and a diving club seems to train here.
I will begin the last "black" part of the trail, but given that there is a car here... I have some doubts about the actual difficulty of the track. Actually... the black track is a road.
19.30. I set the tent to Sisimiut camping.

P2: The last valley P3: Arrival on Sisimiut


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